Week 1 - January 22-24: Introduction, TCP/IP Internet architecture
Lecture 1: Background, How to read papers
Week 2 (Jan 27-31):
Topic: [TCP/IP Internet architecture]
J.H. Saltzer, D.P. Reed and D.D. Clark, End-to-End Arguments in System Design, ACM’s TOCS 1981
Tuesday - Paper Presentation 1 - Grant - End-to-End
Thursday - Paper Presentation 2 - Andrew - Design-Philosophy
Thursday - Quiz1 - Quiz 1 Solution
Week 3 (Feb 03-07):
Topic: [Interdomain Routing and BGP]
C. Partridge, T. Mendez, W. Milliken, “Host Anycasting Service”, RFC1546, 1993
Thursday - Paper Presentation 1 - David - BGP
Thursady - Paper Presentation 2 - Will - RFC1546
Week 4 (Feb 10-14):
Topic: [Anycast and DNS]
Zhihao Li et. al.: Internet Anycast: Performance, Problems, & Potential, ACM SIGCOMM 2018
Quiz2 - Quiz 2 Solution
Thursday - Paper Presentation 1 - Steven - DNS
Thursady - Paper Presentation 2 - Vaibabh - Anycast
Week 5 (Feb 17-21):
Topic: [Quality of Service]
Zhang, L. “A Two-bit Differentiated Services Architecture for the Internet.” (1999)
Tuesday - Paper Presentation 1 - Lina - IntServ
Thursday - Paper Presentation 2 - Thomas - DiffServ
Week 6 (Feb 24-28):
Topic: [Peer-to-Peer Networking]
Quiz3 - Quiz 3 Solution
Tuesday - Paper Presentation 1 - Bittorrent 1
Thursday - Paper Presentation 2 - Steven - BitTorrent
Week 7-8 (Mar 02-13):
Topic: [Content Delivery Networks (CDNs)]
Topic: [Information Centric Networking (ICN)]
Tuesday - ICN, Quiz 4, Paper Presentation 1 - Akamai
Thursday - Paper Presentation 2 - Netflix
Week 9 (Mar 13-27) (Spring Break)
One page survey due next week- Named Data Networking for Cloud Computing - Existing work and Research Challanges
Week 11 (Mar 30-Apr 03)
Tuesday - Regroup, Logistics, Push code to GitHub, Take an ungraded test on iLearn
Thursday - SDN overview
One page survey due - Named Data Networking for Cloud Computing - Existing work and Research Challenges
Week 12 (Apr 07 -11)
Topic: [SDN]
Topic: [Software-Defined Networking (SDN)]
OpenFlow: Enabling Innovation in Campus Networks
Optional Reading - Software-Defined Networking: A Comprehensive Survey
Tuesday - Paper Presentation- NDN- Vaibhav, NDN Security- Bulbul
Thursday - Quiz on NDN, Paper Presentation Openflow Grant
Week 13 (Apr 14-18)
Topic: Cloud Computing
Tuesday - Cloud Overview, Paper Presentation 1 Next-gen Cloud - David Thursday - Quiz, Paper Presentation 2 Cloud Security - Thomas
Week 14 (Apr 21-25)
Topic: Edge Computing
W. Shi, et al., “Edge computing: Vision and challenges”, IEEE Internet of Things, 2016
Tuesday - Paper Presentation 1 Edge- Andrew
Thursday - Quiz 9
Week 15 (Apr 28- May 03)
Topic: Data Center
Benson et.al. Network Traffic Characteristics of Data Centers in the Wild
Al-Fares et. al., A Scalable, Commodity Data Center Network Architecture
Tuesday - Paper Presentation 1 - ?
Thursday - Paper Presentation 2 - ?
End of the Semester