Program 1

This is an INDIVIDUAL Assignment (Do not collaborate)

Submit a PDF with your work on iLearn. You will find the “man” command to be very useful.

  1. Make sure your Raspberry PI is up.

  2. Open a terminal, run the ifconfig command and record the output.

  • Submit the output as a screenshot (5pts)
  • Include the following information for the eth0 interface
    • IP address, Ethernet Address, netmask, and MTU (20pts)
  1. Run ping between two PIs and record the output.
  • Submit the output as a screenshot (5pts)
  • Include a table that briefly explains each field of the output. (20pts)
  1. Install traceroute (sudo apt update && sudo apt install traceroute).
  • Run traceroute to, record the output
  • Submit the output as a screenshot (5pts)
  • Include a table that briefly explains each field(20 pts)
  1. Run the command ip route show
  • Submit the output as a screenshot (5 pts)
  • Explain the first line of the output (20 pts)