Course Objectives
This course strictly enforces the prerequisites (CSC4200/5200 or equivalent). This course assumes you are already familiar the basic networking concepts such as TCP/IP, DNS, and BGP. If you are not, this course is not appropriate for you.
In this class we will cover advanced networking concepts and help students gain an understanding of:
- The design rationale of the Internet
- how the Internet supports contemporary applications such as content delivery networks
- the shortcomings of the current design, and
- the future research directions that can address those challenges.
By the end of the course, students should be able to
- Have an understanding of the networking research landscape
- Comprehend research papers in the area of advanced networking
- Present their work to a larger group, both orally and in writing
- Identify and present design choices, tradeoffs, and research gaps
- Design new network protocols and apply them to application use cases